Industry Expert Theater Application

Industry Expert Theater Application

Industry Expert Theaters are SOLD OUT.

A completed Industry Expert Theater Application and a non-refundable deposit for $5000 must be submitted to reserve a theater time. Industry Expert Theater sessions will not be reserved for any sponsor until both the Application and the deposit are received, and reserved theater times will be assigned to the first company submitting both the completed Application and deposit. Full payment must be received by October 1, 2024. Industry Expert Theaters not paid in full by October 1, 2024 will be canceled and released to other companies. By submitting this Application, Company agrees to all rules and regulations contained in the WORLDSymposium 2025 Exhibitor Prospectus, including complete cancellation policy.

This account has 0 previously submitted Industry Expert Theater Application(s).

Content last updated on July 31st, 2024 at 08:43 am